Suggested Planting & Management:
Tilled & Planted in Spring:
1. Prepare the ground by discing and harrowing in spring. Firm soil to where a footprint leaves an impression 1/2" deep.
2. Plant seed shallow when soil temperatures reach 50ºF in the spring. Using a drill or seeder with a small seed box is best, but a grain drill can work.
3. When the grass begins to form stolons (“runners”), apply nitrogen (50 to 100 lb N/acre).
4. Graze when grass reaches 6 to 8 inches.
Broadcast with Small Grains in Fall:
1. Small grain forage such as rye, wheat, or triticale planted in the fall.
2. Broadcast a mixture of 5 to 7 lb of seed and fertilizer the following March through May.
3. Graze out the small grain pasture.
4. Fertilize with nitrogen (50 to 100 lb N/acre)
5. Begin grazing once the grass reaches 6 to 8 inches in height. Rotational grazing is the best management to maximize quality and quantity.
6. Apply additional nitrogen fertilizer as needed and if precipitation is adequate.